441-02606 Health
Kevin Lamoureux
Health care system,Manitoba,Nurses
Petition to the House of Commons
        Nurses' incentives should be provided to all nurses to better create healthy relationships and a healthy workplace;
        The government must do better in recognizing health care credentials from qualified professionals who are internationally trained and educated;
        The government must do better and implement better strategies and incentives to attract and retain our healthcare workers in Manitoba;
        New and experienced nurses and healthcare professionals are leaving our province and considering opportunities offered in other provinces that provide lucrative incentives and benefits to their healthcare professionals;
        Many Manitoba seniors are on capped income and cannot afford their prescribed medications; and
        Nurses are overworked due to high workloads.
    We, the undersigned residents of Manitoba, call upon the House of Commons to work with Provincial Governments and other healthcare stakeholders to:
    1. Take nurses recruitment and retention seriously to help resolve the healthcare crisis;
    2. Ensure everyone who is contributing to Manitoba through taxes and our economy is eligible for Manitoba healthcare;
    3. Review the nurses' workload and incentive program to include all nurses, regardless of position status and type; and
    4. Reconsider some of the changes that have been made over the last few years and turn the health care facility into a facility that is capable of being, so the residents of Manitoba, particularly the communities of Tyndall Park, Maples, Burrows, Kildonan and even Lakeside have a place to go.