441-02615 Transportation
Kevin Lamoureux
Air transportation,India,Winnipeg
Petition to the House of Commons
    We, the undersigned, residents of the Province of Manitoba, draw the attention of the House of Commons to the following:
        There is a growing number of residents in capital region of Winnipeg that would like to see a direct flight from Winnipeg to India or at the very least, from Winnipeg to India via one stopover in a country in Europe;
        The region surrounding Winnipeg including Manitoba, Western Ontario and Eastern Saskatchewan has also seen substantial growth of people of Indian heritage;
        Winnipeg has in the past, had international flights direct from Winnipeg to cities in Europe; and
        The overall population in the area that is served by the Winnipeg International Airport has grown considerably over recent years and is estimated at close to 2 million people.
    We, the undersigned, residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to:
    1. Immediately consider how best to encourage and support direct international flights from Winnipeg to destinations in India and or any European countries that have direct flights to cities in India like Amritsar and New Delhi; and
    2. Promote airlines to address the need and work with the Winnipeg International Airport and other stakeholders to make these flights become a reality.