441-02629 Foreign affairs
Ruby Sahota
Civil and human rights,Democracy,Economic sanctions,Foreign policy,Pakistan
Petition to the Government of Canada
        Canada is a peaceful, democratic nation the promotes free and fair elections around the world;
        Canada has strong ties with Pakistan and the Pakistani community;
        Pakistani Canadians are increasingly concerned about the political turmoil in that country following the unjust removal of a democratically elected government, and the subsequent arrest of Imran Khan;
        The Supreme Court of Pakistan said that the arrest of former Prime Minister, Imran Khan was illegal; and
        The people of Pakistan and Pakistani Canadians are concerned that elections in that country have not been administered freely and fairly.
    We, the undersigned citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to:
        Call on the Government of Canada to implement Magnitsky Sanctions on corrupt Pakistani military officials, and ban Pakistani military officials who have been involved in human rights violations from travelling to or living in Canada;
        Call on the Government of Canada to leverage its influence in the IMF to tie new and existing loans to Pakistan on the condition that free and fair elections are held; and
        Require these measures to be continued until free and fair elections are held later this year with the participation of all opposition parties and leaders.