Correspondence from Mark Boothman MP, Member for Theodore, regarding a correction to the statement of reservation
Community Safety and Legal Affairs Committee
30 Sep 2024
Tabled Paper

26 September 2024

Mr Peter Russo MP Chairman Community Safety and Legal Affairs Committee Parliament House Cnr of George and Alice Streets BRISBANE QLD 4000


Dear Mr Chairman

I refer to you letter of 17 September 2024, ref A1346113.

In section 4 I would like to correct sentence two to read "The Member for Scenic Rim ... "

Additionally, I concede that I misread the transcript of the hearing in relation to the number of SES volunteers who have undergone training.

Therefore, I wish to correct the record and delete section 5 of the Statement of Reservation. I regret any inconvenience and apologise.

Yours sincerely

Mark Boothman MP Member for Theodore

07 3445 0100 @ ~ f MarkBoothmanTheodore

Our Ref: A1346113

Community Safety and Legal Affairs Committee

17 September 2024

Mr Mark Boothman MP Member for Theodore


Parliament House Ph: 61 7 3553 6641 George Street Fax: 61 7 3553 6699

email: cslac@parl iament cslac

By email:;

Dear Mark

Statement of Reservation - Report No. 16, 57th Parliament - Budget Estimates 2024-25

I write to you in respect of the allegations raised by the Honourable Mark Ryan MP, Minister for Police and Corrective Services (Minister), regarding various statements made in your statement of reservation to the committee's Report No. 16, 57th Parliament - Budget Estimates 2024-25 (Statement of Reservation).

As the allegations relate to committee proceedings, the Speaker has referred them to the committee for consideration.

The committee notes the Minister alleges that you have committed a contempt of Parliament by deliberately misleading the House in respect of such statements outlined in the Minister's correspondence to the Speaker dated 21 August 2024.

In accordance with Standing Order 268, it is open· for the committee to refer any allegations in respect of its proceedings (including this matter) to the ethics committee for determination in accordance with Standing Order 270.

For convenience, I have used the terms as defined in the Minister's original complaint correspondence.

Fifth Statement

In your response, I note you concede that the Fifth Statement is factually inaccurate, and this inaccuracy arose out of a misreading of the transcript of proceedings, as opposed to a deliberate attempt to mislead the House.

On that basis, I request that you write to the committee to correct the Statement of Reservation.

nmeframe for response

The committee would appreciate your written response to the above matter by close of business on Friday, 27 September 2024.

Yours sincerely

Peter Russo MP Chair