Retirement Villages Amendment Bill 2024 - LC SNP (SNP NO. 177, Issue 2)
Bill No.177
14 Aug 2024
Legislative Council Second Reading - 19 Sep 2024

LC Amendments No. 177 Issue 2 - Thursday, 24 October 2024

Supplementary Notice Paper

Retirement Villages Amendment Bill 2024 [177-1] SNP 177, Issue No. 2

Thursday, 24 October 2024

When in committee on the Retirement Villages Amendment Bill 2024:

Clause 23

Hon Louise Kingston: To move — Page 29, after line 21 — To insert:

(7) Subsection (1) does not apply to an exit entitlement where there is no surviving partner.

Hon Louise Kingston: To move — Page 30, line 16 — To delete “some or all” and insert:


Hon Louise Kingston: To move — Page 31, line 1 to page 33, line 16 — To delete the lines.

Hon Louise Kingston: To move — Page 33, lines 19 to 21 — To delete “Divisions 2 and 3, an exit entitlement, or the value of residential premises in a retirement village,” and insert:

Division 2, an exit entitlement

Hon Louise Kingston: To move — Page 33, line 22 — To delete “entitlement, or value,” and insert:








LC Amendments No. 177 Issue 2 - Thursday, 24 October 2024

Hon Louise Kingston: To move — Page 33, line 26 — To delete “entitlement, or value,” and insert:


Hon Louise Kingston: To move — Page 34, lines 7 and 8 — To delete “entitlement or value of the residential premises.” and insert:


Hon Louise Kingston: To move — Page 34, line 27 to page 35, line 4 — To delete the lines and insert:

comply with the requirement to pay an exit entitlement in relation to a particular resident under Division 2.

Hon Louise Kingston: To move — Page 37, lines 11 to 16 — To delete the lines and insert:

5 years, the operator from any requirement to pay an exit entitlement under Division 2.

Clause 47

Hon Louise Kingston: To move — Page 65, after line 23 — To insert:

11. Repayment of premiums paid before Retirement Villages Amendment Act 2024 amendment comes into operation

(1) Section 29, as inserted by the amending Act, does not apply in relation to a premium paid before that section was inserted by the amending Act.

(2) Section 19(3) to (5), as in force before their deletion by the amending Act, apply instead as if they had not been deleted.

(3) This clause applies despite the other provisions of this Division.

12. Payment of recurrent charges from premiums paid before Retirement Villages Amendment Act 2024 amendment comes into operation

(1) Section 30, as inserted by the amending Act, does not apply in relation to a premium paid before that section was inserted by the amending Act.

(2) Section 24, as in force before its deletion by the amending Act, applies instead as if it had not been deleted.

(3) This clause applies despite the other provisions of this Division.







LC Amendments No. 177 Issue 2 - Thursday, 24 October 2024

Clause 55

Hon Louise Kingston: Page 79, lines 1 and 2 — To oppose the clause.

Clause 56

Hon Louise Kingston: Page 79, lines 4 to 8 — To oppose the clause.


