441-02750 Justice
Alexandra Mendès
Child custody,Divorce Act,Family law,Parental alienation
        “Parental alienation” is an unfounded and sexist theory regularly used to punish mothers who report having experienced domestic violence;
        Women who report domestic violence against themselves or their children are often accused of “parental alienation”, which can lead to adverse court rulings endangering the safety of children;
        Research has shown that courts relying on the pseudo-theory of “parental alienation” lose sight of the criterion of the child’s best interests and make decisions that focus instead on parental rights and trivialize domestic violence;
        Many domestic violence experts and organizations denounce “parental alienation” as a tool of oppression and coercion used by violent spouses to maintain control over their children and continue their violent acts with impunity;
        The United Nations Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls also urges governments to prohibit the use of the pseudo-theory of “parental alienation” by family courts;
        A broad coalition of women’s rights organizations across Canada call for urgent legislative reform to eliminate “parental alienation” accusations in proceedings under the Divorce Act; and
        Prohibiting “parental alienation” accusations is critical to ensuring that legal proceedings respect the rights of women and children to live free from violence.
     We, the undersigned citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the Minister of Justice to:
     Amend the Divorce Act to prohibit accusations of “parental alienation” in family disputes.