Waterworks (Amendment) Bill 2017 - Bill passed
8 February 2018

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》

2018年第 11號條例 A644

Ord. No. 11 of 2018 A645

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018


Section Page

Part 1


1. Short title ................................................................................ A649

2. Enactments amended .............................................................. A649

Part 2

Amendments to Waterworks Ordinance

3. Section 2 amended (interpretation) ......................................... A653

4. Section 10 amended (disconnexion of a fire service or

inside service) .......................................................................... A653

5. Sections 13A and 13B added .................................................. A653

13A. Meaning of specified plumbing works .................... A653

13B. Meaning of carrying out specified plumbing

works under instruction and supervision .............. A655

6. Section 14 amended (construction, etc., of fire services

and inside services) ................................................................. A655

7. Section 15 amended (construction, etc. by licensed

plumbers) ................................................................................ A661

8. Sections 15A and 15B added .................................................. A665

15A. Alterations or repairs not considered as of

minor nature ......................................................... A665

《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》


條次 頁次

第 1部


1. 簡稱 ........................................................................................ A648

2. 修訂成文法則 ......................................................................... A648

第 2部


3. 修訂第 2條 (釋義 ) ................................................................ A652

4. 修訂第 10條 (截斷消防供水系統或內部供水系統的供 應 ) .......................................................................................... A652

5. 加入第 13A及 13B條 ............................................................. A652

13A. 指明水管工程的涵義 ............................................ A652

13B. 何謂“在指示及督導下進行指明水管工程” ......... A654

6. 修訂第 14條 (消防供水系統及內部供水系統的建造 等 ) .......................................................................................... A654

7. 修訂第 15條 (由持牌水喉匠進行的建造等 ) ........................ A660

8. 加入第 15A及 15B條 ............................................................. A664

15A. 不得視為屬性質輕微的更改或修理 ..................... A664

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》

2018年第 11號條例 A646

Ord. No. 11 of 2018 A647

Section Page條次 頁次

15B. 進入非住用處所及提問等的權力 ........................ A664

9. 加入第 18A條 ........................................................................ A672

18A. 免責辯護的舉證責任 ............................................ A672

10. 加入第 36A條 ........................................................................ A674

36A. 檢控時限 ............................................................... A674

11. 加入第 38A條 ........................................................................ A676

38A. 修訂附表 ............................................................... A676

12. 加入第 40條及附表 ................................................................ A676

40. 關於《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》的過渡 及保留條文 ........................................................... A676

附表 註冊水喉技工及註冊水喉技工 (臨時 ) ....... A680

13. 以“拆除”取代“移動” ............................................................ A686

第 3部


14. 修訂第 6條 (工程的檢查及批准 ) ......................................... A688

15. 修訂第 26條 (水錶的安裝 ) ................................................... A690

16. 加入第 51A條 ........................................................................ A690

51A. 檢控時限 ............................................................... A690

17. 以“拆除”取代“移動” ............................................................ A692

15B. Power of entry into non-domestic premises

and power to question etc. ................................... A665

9. Section 18A added .................................................................. A673

18A. Burden of proof for defence ................................. A673

10. Section 36A added .................................................................. A675

36A. Time limit for prosecutions ................................... A675

11. Section 38A added .................................................................. A677

38A. Amendment of Schedule ....................................... A677

12. Section 40 and Schedule added ............................................... A677

40. Transitional and saving provisions for

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018 .......... A677

Schedule Registered Plumbing Worker and

Registered Plumbing Worker (Provisional) ....... A681

13. “拆除” substituted for “移動” ................................................. A687

Part 3

Amendments to Waterworks Regulations

14. Regulation 6 amended (inspection and approval of

works) ..................................................................................... A689

15. Regulation 26 amended (installation of meters) ..................... A691

16. Regulation 51A added ............................................................ A691

51A. Time limit for prosecutions ................................... A691

17. “拆除” substituted for “移動” ................................................. A693

第 1部 第 1條

Part 1 Section 1

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》

2018年第 11號條例 A648

Ord. No. 11 of 2018 A649

本條例旨在修訂《水務設施條例》及《水務設施規例》,以修改關乎進 行消防供水系統工程及內部供水系統工程的規定。

[2018年 2月 15日 ]


第 1部


1. 簡稱 本條例可引稱為《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》。

2. 修訂成文法則 (1) 《水務設施條例》(第 102章 )現予修訂,修訂方式列於第


An Ordinance to amend the Waterworks Ordinance and the Waterworks Regulations to revise the requirements relating to the carrying out of works on fire services and inside services.

[15 February 2018]

Enacted by the Legislative Council.

Part 1


1. Short title

This Ordinance may be cited as the Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018.

2. Enactments amended

(1) The Waterworks Ordinance (Cap. 102) is amended as set out in Part 2.


Ordinance No. 11 of 2018

Carrie LAM Chief Executive

14 February 2018



2018年第 11號條例

行政長官 林鄭月娥

2018年 2月 14日


第 1部 第 2條

Part 1 Section 2

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》

2018年第 11號條例 A650

Ord. No. 11 of 2018 A651

(2) 《水務設施規例》(第 102章,附屬法例 A)現予修訂,修 訂方式列於第 3部。

(2) The Waterworks Regulations (Cap. 102 sub. leg. A) are amended as set out in Part 3.

第 2部 第 3條

Part 2 Section 3

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》

2018年第 11號條例 A652

Ord. No. 11 of 2018 A653

第 2部


3. 修訂第 2條 (釋義 )

第 2條—— 按筆劃數目順序加入 註冊水喉技工 (registered plumbing worker)就某特定目

的而言,指附表第 1部就該目的指明的人; 註冊水喉技工 (臨時 ) (registered plumbing worker

(provisional))就某特定目的而言,指附表第 2部就 該目的指明的人;”。

4. 修訂第 10條 (截斷消防供水系統或內部供水系統的供應 )

第 10(f)條—— 廢除 “條進入處所或執行任何職能時”

代以 “或 15B條進入處所或執行任何職能時,”。

5. 加入第 13A及 13B條 第 III部,在第 14條之前——


13A. 指明水管工程的涵義 在本部中—— 指明水管工程 (specified plumbing works)指建造、安裝、

保養、更改、修理或拆除消防供水系統或內部供水 系統。

Part 2

Amendments to Waterworks Ordinance

3. Section 2 amended (interpretation)

Section 2—

Add in alphabetical order

registered plumbing worker (註冊水喉技工), for a particular purpose, means a person specified for the purpose in Part 1 of the Schedule;

registered plumbing worker (provisional) (註冊水喉技工(臨 時)), for a particular purpose, means a person specified for the purpose in Part 2 of the Schedule;”.

4. Section 10 amended (disconnexion of a fire service or inside service)

Section 10(f), after “12”—


“or 15B”.

5. Sections 13A and 13B added

Part III, before section 14—


13A. Meaning of specified plumbing works

In this Part—

specified plumbing works (指明水管工程) means the construction, installation, maintenance, alteration, repair or removal of a fire service or inside service.

第 2部 第 6條

Part 2 Section 6

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》

2018年第 11號條例 A654

Ord. No. 11 of 2018 A655

13B. 何謂“在指示及督導下進行指明水管工程”

就本部而言,在以下情況下,某人即屬在另一人 (督導者 ) 的指示及督導下,進行指明水管工程——

(a) 該人在該督導者決定的工作範圍內,按該督導 者的指示,進行該指明水管工程;及

(b) 進行該指明水管工程的方法及方式,由該督導 者指明。”。

6. 修訂第 14條 (消防供水系統及內部供水系統的建造等 )

(1) 第 14條,標題—— 廢除 消防供水系統及內部供水系統的建造等

代以 對消防供水系統及內部供水系統的建造等的限制”。

(2) 第 14條—— 廢除第 (1)款 代以

“(1) 除第 (2)款另有規定外,除非水務監督已對消防供 水系統或內部供水系統的建造、安裝、更改或拆 除,給予書面許可,否則任何人不得進行該項建 造、安裝、更改或拆除。

(1A) 任何人違反第 (1)款,即屬犯罪。”。 (3) 在第 14(2)條之後——


13B. Meaning of carrying out specified plumbing works under instruction and supervision

For the purposes of this Part, a person carries out specified plumbing works under the instruction and supervision of another person (supervisor) if—

(a) the specified plumbing works are carried out by the person at the direction of the supervisor and within the scope decided by the supervisor; and

(b) the method and manner in which the specified plumbing works are carried out are specified by the supervisor.”.

6. Section 14 amended (construction, etc., of fire services and inside services)

(1) Section 14, heading—


Construction, etc.,


Restriction on construction etc.”.

(2) Section 14—

Repeal subsection (1)


“(1) Subject to subsection (2), a person must not construct, install, alter or remove a fire service or inside service unless the Water Authority has granted a written permission for it.

(1A) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence.”.

(3) After section 14(2)—


第 2部 第 6條

Part 2 Section 6

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》

2018年第 11號條例 A656

Ord. No. 11 of 2018 A657

“(2A) 上述書面許可,可由水務監督主動給予,亦可由水 務監督應持牌水喉匠的申請而給予。”。

(4) 第 14條—— 廢除第 (3)款 代以

“(3) 消防供水系統或內部供水系統的建造、安裝或更 改,須按訂明的方式進行,而用於該項建造、安裝 或更改的喉管及裝置,其性質、大小及品質均須屬 訂明者。”。

(5) 第 14條—— 廢除第 (4)款 代以

“(4) 如就消防供水系統 (或其任何部分 )或內部供水系 統 (或其任何部分 )的建造、安裝或更改 (有關工程 ) 而言,第 (3)款遭違反,每名下述人士均屬犯罪——

(a) 如有關工程是在某持牌水喉匠的指示及督導下 進行的——該水喉匠;

(b) 進行有關工程的持牌水喉匠; (c) 如根據第 (2A)款對有關工程給予的書面許可,

是應某持牌水喉匠的申請而給予的,而該水喉 匠並非 (a)或 (b)段描述的水喉匠——該水喉匠;

(d) 符合以下描述的人 (持牌水喉匠除外 )—— (i) 有關工程是在該人的指示及督導下進行


“(2A) The Water Authority may grant the written permission on the Authority’s own initiative or on the application of a licensed plumber.”.

(4) Section 14—

Repeal subsection (3)


“(3) The construction or installation of, or alteration to, a fire service or inside service must be carried out in the prescribed way and the pipes and fittings used in the construction, installation or alteration must be of the prescribed nature, size and quality.”.

(5) Section 14—

Repeal subsection (4)


“(4) If subsection (3) is contravened in relation to the construction or installation of, or alteration to, a fire service or inside service, or any part of it (the works), each of the following persons commits an offence—

(a) a licensed plumber under whose instruction and supervision the works are carried out;

(b) a licensed plumber who carries out the works;

(c) if a written permission for the works was granted under subsection (2A) on the application of a licensed plumber who is not a plumber described in paragraph (a) or (b)—the licensed plumber;

(d) a person (other than a licensed plumber)—

(i) under whose instruction and supervision the works are carried out; and

第 2部 第 6條

Part 2 Section 6

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》

2018年第 11號條例 A658

Ord. No. 11 of 2018 A659

(ii) 該人知道,進行有關工程會違反第 (3)款; (e) 符合以下描述的人 (持牌水喉匠除外 )——

(i) 該人是進行有關工程的人;及 (ii) 該人知道,進行有關工程會違反第 (3)款。

(5) 被控犯第 (4)款所訂罪行的人,如證明以下事項, 即為免責辯護——

(a) 如屬第 (4)(a)或 (c)款所述的人——該人已採 取所有合理步驟,確保進行有關工程不會違反 第 (3)款;或

(b) 如屬第 (4)(b)款所述的人—— (i) 該人相信,進行有關工程不會違反第 (3)

款;及 (ii) 該人相信該情況,屬合理之舉。

(6) 凡第 (4)(a)或 (c)款所述的人,沒有按合理頻密程度 (在顧及第 (7)款所列事宜屬合理者 )作出視察,以 確保有關工程是遵照第 (3)款進行的,則在不局限 第 (5)(a)款的原則下,該人不得視為已採取所有合 理步驟。

(7) 有關事宜是—— (a) 有關工程的性質;

(ii) who knows that carrying out the works would contravene subsection (3);

(e) a person (other than a licensed plumber) who—

(i) carries out the works; and

(ii) knows that carrying out the works would contravene subsection (3).

(5) It is a defence for a person charged with an offence under subsection (4) if—

(a) for a person mentioned in subsection (4)(a) or (c), the person establishes that the person had taken all reasonable steps to ensure that carrying out the works would not contravene subsection (3); or

(b) for a person mentioned in subsection (4)(b), the person establishes that—

(i) the person believed that carrying out the works would not contravene subsection (3); and

(ii) it was reasonable for the person to so believe.

(6) Without limiting subsection (5)(a), a person mentioned in subsection (4)(a) or (c) must not be regarded as having taken all reasonable steps if the person did not, having regard to the matters set out in subsection (7), inspect the carrying out of the works as often as was reasonable to ensure that the works were carried out in compliance with subsection (3).

(7) The matters are—

(a) the nature of the works;

第 2部 第 7條

Part 2 Section 7

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》

2018年第 11號條例 A660

Ord. No. 11 of 2018 A661

(b) 有關工程涉及的風險;及 (c) 進行有關工程的人的知識及經驗。”。

7. 修訂第 15條 (由持牌水喉匠進行的建造等 )

(1) 第 15條,標題—— 廢除 由持牌水喉匠進行的建造等

代以 誰可進行指明水管工程”。

(2) 第 15條—— 廢除第 (1)款 代以

“(1) 除第 (2)款另有規定外,並非指定人士的人,不得 進行指明水管工程。”。

(3) 第 15條—— 廢除第 (2)款 代以

“(2) 如指明水管工程屬符合以下描述的工程,並非指定 人士的人可進行該項工程——

(a) 屬消防供水系統或內部供水系統的更改或修 理,而水務監督認為,該項更改或修理屬性質 輕微;

(b) 屬按照《建造業工人註冊條例》(第 583章 )第 3(2)、3A或 4條在建造工地進行的建造工作; 或

(b) the risks involved in the works; and

(c) the knowledge and experience of the person carrying out the works.”.

7. Section 15 amended (construction, etc. by licensed plumbers)

(1) Section 15, heading—


Construction, etc. by licensed plumbers


Who may carry out specified plumbing works”.

(2) Section 15—

Repeal subsection (1)


“(1) Subject to subsection (2), a person who is not a designated person must not carry out specified plumbing works.”.

(3) Section 15—

Repeal subsection (2)


“(2) A person who is not a designated person may carry out specified plumbing works if the works are—

(a) alterations or repairs to a fire service or inside service that are, in the opinion of the Water Authority, of a minor nature;

(b) construction work on a construction site carried out in accordance with section 3(2), 3A or 4 of the Construction Workers Registration Ordinance (Cap. 583); or

第 2部 第 7條

Part 2 Section 7

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》

2018年第 11號條例 A662

Ord. No. 11 of 2018 A663

(c) 屬建造工作,而該項建造工作根據《建造業工 人註冊 (豁免 )規例》(第 583章,附屬法例 C) 第 4、7或 8條獲豁免,而不受該條例第 3(2)、 3A及 4條規限。”。

(4) 第 15條—— 廢除第 (3)款 代以

“(3) 任何人違反第 (1)款,即屬犯罪。 (4) 任何人僱用或准許並非指定人士的人,進行不屬第

(2)(a)、(b)或 (c)款所指的指明水管工程,即屬犯罪。 (5) 被控犯第 (4)款所訂罪行的人 (被告人 ),如證明以

下事項,即為免責辯護—— (a) 被告人相信,進行有關指明水管工程的人是指

定人士;及 (b) 被告人相信該情況,屬合理之舉。

(6) 在本條中—— 建造工地 (construction site)具有《建造業工人註冊條例》

(第 583章 )第 2(1)條所給予的涵義; 建造工作 (construction work)具有《建造業工人註冊條例》

(第 583章 )第 2(1)條所給予的涵義; 指定人士 (designated person)指——

(a) 持牌水喉匠; (b) 註冊水喉技工;

(c) construction work exempted from sections 3(2), 3A and 4 of that Ordinance under section 4, 7 or 8 of the Construction Workers Registration (Exemption) Regulation (Cap. 583 sub. leg. C).”.

(4) Section 15—

Repeal subsection (3)


“(3) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence.

(4) A person who employs or permits a person who is not a designated person to carry out specified plumbing works that do not fall within subsection (2)(a), (b) or (c) commits an offence.

(5) It is a defence for a person charged with an offence under subsection (4) (defendant) if the defendant establishes that—

(a) the defendant believed that the person who carried out the specified plumbing works was a designated person; and

(b) it was reasonable for the defendant to so believe.

(6) In this section—

construction site (建造工地) has the meaning given by section 2(1) of the Construction Workers Registration Ordinance (Cap. 583);

construction work (建造工作) has the meaning given by section 2(1) of the Construction Workers Registration Ordinance (Cap. 583);

designated person (指定人士) means—

(a) a licensed plumber;

(b) a registered plumbing worker;

第 2部 第 8條

Part 2 Section 8

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》

2018年第 11號條例 A664

Ord. No. 11 of 2018 A665

(c) 註冊水喉技工 (臨時 ); (d) 在持牌水喉匠或註冊水喉技工的指示及督導下

進行指明水管工程的人;或 (e) 水務監督授權的公職人員。”。

8. 加入第 15A及 15B條 在第 15條之後——


15A. 不得視為屬性質輕微的更改或修理 就第 14(2)及 15(2)(a)條而言,如水務監督認為消防供水 系統或內部供水系統的更改或修理,會對——

(a) 該系統在提供可靠而充足的供水方面的效率; 或

(b) 水質, 造成不良影響,則該項更改或修理不得視為屬性質輕微。

15B. 進入非住用處所及提問等的權力 (1) 獲授權人員可於任何合理時間——

(a) 進入任何非住用處所,以確定是否有人正在或 曾經在違反第 15條的情況下,於該處所進行 指明水管工程;或

(c) a registered plumbing worker (provisional);

(d) a person who carries out specified plumbing works under the instruction and supervision of a licensed plumber or registered plumbing worker; or

(e) a public officer authorized by the Water Authority.”.

8. Sections 15A and 15B added

After section 15—


15A. Alterations or repairs not considered as of minor nature

For the purposes of sections 14(2) and 15(2)(a), alterations or repairs to a fire service or inside service must not be considered as of a minor nature if the alterations or repairs would, in the opinion of the Water Authority, adversely affect—

(a) the efficiency of the fire service or inside service in providing a reliable and adequate supply of water; or

(b) the quality of the water.

15B. Power of entry into non-domestic premises and power to question etc.

(1) An authorized officer may at any reasonable time—

(a) enter any non-domestic premises to ascertain whether specified plumbing works are being, or have been, carried out on the premises in contravention of section 15; or

第 2部 第 8條

Part 2 Section 8

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》

2018年第 11號條例 A666

Ord. No. 11 of 2018 A667

(b) 進入任何其他非住用處所,以行使 (a)段賦予 的權力。

(2) 獲授權人員根據第 (1)(a)款進入任何處所後,可行 使任何或所有以下權力——

(a) 對該處所及該處所的消防供水系統或內部供水 系統,拍攝照片或影片;

(b) 要求於該處所發現的人,回答關於以下事宜的 問題——

(i) 該人是否正於或曾經於該處所,進行指 明水管工程;及

(ii) 該人是否持牌水喉匠、註冊水喉技工或 註冊水喉技工 (臨時 ) (合資格人士 );

(c) 如於該處所發現的人,表示自己是合資格人 士——

(i) 要求該人出示證明文件,以支持該表述; 或

(ii) 如該人不能即時出示該證明文件——要 求該人在該人員規定的合理限期內,在 該人員規定的地點,出示該證明文件;

(d) 如於該處所發現的人,表示自己並非合資格人 士——

(b) enter any other non-domestic premises for exercising the power under paragraph (a).

(2) After entering any premises under subsection (1)(a), an authorized officer may exercise any or all of the following powers—

(a) take photographs or make video recordings of the premises and the fire service or inside service on the premises;

(b) require a person found on the premises to answer a question as to—

(i) whether the person is carrying out or has carried out specified plumbing works on the premises; and

(ii) whether the person is a licensed plumber, registered plumbing worker or registered plumbing worker (provisional) (qualified person);

(c) if a person found on the premises states that the person is a qualified person—

(i) require the person to produce documentary proof in support of the statement; or

(ii) if the person is not able to produce the documentary proof immediately—require the person to produce the proof at a place and within a reasonable time required by the officer;

(d) if a person found on the premises states that the person is not a qualified person—

第 2部 第 8條

Part 2 Section 8

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》

2018年第 11號條例 A668

Ord. No. 11 of 2018 A669

(i) 要求該人回答關於以下事宜的問題:該 人是否正於或曾經於該處所,在持牌水 喉匠或註冊水喉技工的指示及督導下, 進行指明水管工程;及

(ii) 如該人對該問題的答案為 “是”——要求 該人將給予指示及督導的人的姓名及聯 絡方法,提供予該人員;

(e) 該人員如合理地懷疑,有人正於或曾經於該處 所違反第 15條——要求於該處所發現的人, 向該人員提供任何符合以下描述的資料——

(i) 該人員合理地相信,該資料攸關確定是 否有人正在或曾經違反第 15條;及

(ii) 該人員合理地相信,該人知悉該資料; (f) 該人員如合理地懷疑,於該處所發現的人,正

在或曾經違反第 15條,則在將可能構成有關 涉嫌違例事項的作為或不作為告知該人後——

(i) 於一段合理時間內,將該人扣留於該處 所內,以就該涉嫌違例事項,作進一步查 訊;及

(i) require the person to answer a question as to whether the person is carrying out or has carried out specified plumbing works on the premises under the instruction and supervision of a licensed plumber or registered plumbing worker; and

(ii) if the person answers the question in the affirmative—require the person to provide to the officer the name and contact details of the person who provided the instruction and supervision;

(e) if the officer reasonably suspects that there is or has been a contravention of section 15 on the premises, require a person found on the premises to provide to the officer any information that the officer reasonably believes—

(i) is relevant for ascertaining whether there is or has been a contravention of section 15; and

(ii) is within the person’s knowledge;

(f) if the officer reasonably suspects that a person found on the premises is contravening or has contravened section 15, after informing the person of the act or omission that may constitute the suspected contravention—

(i) detain the person in the premises for a reasonable time for further enquiries about the suspected contravention; and

第 2部 第 8條

Part 2 Section 8

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》

2018年第 11號條例 A670

Ord. No. 11 of 2018 A671

(ii) 要求該人向該人員提供該人的姓名、地 址、電話號碼、身分證明,以及該人員合 理地需要的其他個人詳情。

(3) 任何人不遵從根據第 (2)款提出的要求,即屬犯罪。 (4) 任何人作出任何在要項上屬虛假或具誤導性的陳

述,或提供任何在要項上屬虛假或具誤導性的資 料,以充作遵從根據第 (2)款提出的要求,即屬犯 罪。

(5) 被控犯第 (3)款所訂罪行的人,如證明在有關指控 罪行發生時,該人對不遵從有關要求一事,有合理 辯解,即為免責辯護。

(6) 被控犯第 (4)款所訂罪行的人,如證明在有關指控 罪行發生時,該人不知道、無理由懷疑、且即使已 作出合理努力亦不能確定,有關的陳述或資料在要 項上屬虛假或具誤導性,即為免責辯護。

(7) 任何人不得僅以遵從根據第 (2)款提出的要求可能 會導致該人入罪為理由,而獲豁免遵從該要求。

(8) 本條賦予的權力,是增補而非減損第 12條賦予的 權力。

(9) 在本條中——

(ii) require the person to provide to the officer the person’s name, address, telephone number, proof of identity and any other personal particulars the officer may reasonably require.

(3) A person who fails to comply with a requirement under subsection (2) commits an offence.

(4) A person who, in purported compliance with a requirement under subsection (2), makes any statement or provides any information that is false or misleading in a material particular commits an offence.

(5) It is a defence for a person charged with an offence under subsection (3) if the person establishes that at the time of the alleged offence the person had a reasonable excuse for failing to comply with the requirement.

(6) It is a defence for a person charged with an offence under subsection (4) if the person establishes that at the time of the alleged offence the person did not know, had no reason to suspect, and could not with reasonable diligence have ascertained, that the statement or information concerned was false or misleading in a material particular.

(7) A person is not excused from complying with a requirement under subsection (2) only on the ground that to do so might tend to incriminate the person.

(8) The power under this section is in addition to, and not in derogation of, the power under section 12.

(9) In this section—

第 2部 第 9條

Part 2 Section 9

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》

2018年第 11號條例 A672

Ord. No. 11 of 2018 A673

安老院 (home for elderly persons)指《安老院條例》(第 459章 )第 2條界定的安老院;

非住用處所 (non-domestic premises)指並非作供人居住 之用的處所 (而作供人居住之用的處所,包括作以 下用途的處所:酒店、旅館、附服務設施寓所、集 體寢室、安老院、殘疾人士院舍、幼兒中心、托兒 所,或相類的處所 );

殘疾人士院舍 (home for persons with disabilities)指《殘 疾人士院舍條例》(第 613章 )第 2條界定的殘疾人 士院舍;

獲授權人員 (authorized officer)指水務監督或水務監督 以書面授權的公職人員。”。

9. 加入第 18A條 第 III部,在第 18條之後——


18A. 免責辯護的舉證責任 凡任何人被控犯本部所訂罪行,在以下情況下,援引本 部所訂的免責辯護需證明的事實,視為已由該人證明——

(a) 有足夠證據,就該事實帶出爭論點;及 (b) 控方沒有提出足以排除合理疑點的相反證


authorized officer (獲授權人員) means the Water Authority or a public officer authorized by the Water Authority in writing;

home for elderly persons (安老院) means a residential care home as defined by section 2 of the Residential Care Homes (Elderly Persons) Ordinance (Cap. 459);

home for persons with disabilities (殘疾人士院舍) means a residential care home for PWDs as defined by section 2 of the Residential Care Homes (Persons with Disabilities) Ordinance (Cap. 613);

non-domestic premises (非住用處所) means premises other than those used for human habitation (including those used as a hotel, guesthouse, serviced apartment, dormitory, home for elderly persons, home for persons with disabilities, child care centre, nursery or similar premises).”.

9. Section 18A added

Part III, after section 18—


18A. Burden of proof for defence

A person charged with an offence under this Part is taken to have established a fact that needs to be established for a defence under this Part if—

(a) there is sufficient evidence to raise an issue with respect to the fact; and

(b) the contrary is not proved by the prosecution beyond reasonable doubt.”.

第 2部 第 10條

Part 2 Section 10

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》

2018年第 11號條例 A674

Ord. No. 11 of 2018 A675

10. 加入第 36A條 在第 36條之後——


36A. 檢控時限 (1) 除第 (2)款另有規定外,凡水務監督於某日發現或

知悉違反本條例的情況,就該違例事項而提出的檢 控,可於在該日翌日開始的 6個月內提出。

(2) 如就消防供水系統 (或其任何部分 )或內部供水系 統 (或其任何部分 )的建造、安裝或更改 (有關工程 ) 而言,第 14(3)條遭違反,而水務監督於下述日期 後的 6年後,才發現或知悉該違例事項,則不得就 該違例事項提出檢控——

(a) 凡有根據《水務設施規例》(第 102章,附屬法 例 A)第 6(1)(a)或 (2)條,就檢查與批准該消 防供水系統或內部供水系統或該項更改,提出 申請——該申請提出當日;或

(b) 凡有關工程屬第 14(2)條所指的更改——該違 例事項發生當日。

(3) 本條不適用於在《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》(2018 年第 11號 )實施日期前發生的違例事項。”。

10. Section 36A added

After section 36—


36A. Time limit for prosecutions

(1) Subject to subsection (2), a prosecution for a contravention of this Ordinance may be commenced within 6 months beginning on the date immediately after the date on which the contravention is discovered by, or comes to the notice of, the Water Authority.

(2) For a contravention of section 14(3) in relation to the construction or installation of, or alteration to, a fire service or inside service, or any part of it (the works)—

(a) if an application for inspection and approval of the fire service or inside service, or alteration, has been made under regulation 6(1)(a) or (2) of the Waterworks Regulations (Cap. 102 sub. leg. A)—no prosecution may be commenced if the contravention is discovered by, or comes to the notice of, the Water Authority after 6 years after the date of the application; or

(b) if the works are alterations falling within section 14(2)—no prosecution may be commenced if the contravention is discovered by, or comes to the notice of, the Water Authority after 6 years after the date of the contravention.

(3) This section does not apply in relation to a contravention committed before the date on which the Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018 (11 of 2018) comes into operation.”.

第 2部 第 11條

Part 2 Section 11

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》

2018年第 11號條例 A676

Ord. No. 11 of 2018 A677

11. 加入第 38A條 在第 38條之後——


38A. 修訂附表 發展局局長可藉於憲報刊登的公告,修訂附表。”。

12. 加入第 40條及附表 在第 39條之後——


40. 關於《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》的過渡及保留條文 (1) 凡水務監督應持牌水喉匠的申請,在生效日期前,

對消防供水系統或內部供水系統的建造、安裝、更 改或拆除 (有關工程 )給予許可,而有關工程在緊 接該日期前,仍未完成,則該許可在該日期後繼續 有效,猶如它是應有關水喉匠的申請而根據第 14(2A)條對有關工程給予一樣。

(2) 凡持牌水喉匠提出申請,要求對有關工程給予許 可,如在緊接生效日期前,該申請仍待決,該申請 須在猶如《修訂條例》不曾制定的情況下繼續處理, 而如水務監督給予該許可,該許可具有的效力,猶 如它是應有關水喉匠的申請而根據第 14(2A)條對 有關工程給予一樣。

11. Section 38A added

After section 38—


38A. Amendment of Schedule

The Secretary for Development may, by notice published in the Gazette, amend the Schedule.”.

12. Section 40 and Schedule added

After section 39—


40. Transitional and saving provisions for Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018

(1) A permission granted on the application of a licensed plumber before the commencement date for the construction, installation, alteration or removal of a fire service or inside service (the works) that has not been completed immediately before that date continues to have effect after that date as if it were granted for the works under section 14(2A) on the application of the plumber.

(2) An application for a permission for the works made by a licensed plumber that is still pending immediately before the commencement date is to continue to be processed as if the amending Ordinance had not been enacted and, if the permission is granted, the permission is to have effect as if it were granted for the works under section 14(2A) on the application of the plumber.

第 2部 第 12條

Part 2 Section 12

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》

2018年第 11號條例 A678

Ord. No. 11 of 2018 A679

(3) 凡在生效日期前,水務監督對消防供水系統 (或其 任何部分 )或內部供水系統 (或其任何部分 )的建造、 安裝或更改,給予許可,而有人就該項建造、安裝 或更改,違反第 14(3)條,則——

(a) 《未經修訂條例》第 14條,繼續就該違例事項 而適用,猶如《修訂條例》不曾制定一樣;及

(b) 第 36A條就該違例事項而適用。 (4) 在本條中——

《未經修訂條例》(pre-amended Ordinance)指在緊接生效 日期前有效的本條例;

生效日期 (commencement date)指《修訂條例》開始實施 的日期;

《修訂條例》(amending Ordinance)指《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》(2018年第 11號 );

許可 (permission)指第 14條所述的書面許可。

(3) If section 14(3) is contravened in relation to the construction or installation of, or alteration to, a fire service or inside service, or any part of it, for which there was a permission granted before the commencement date—

(a) section 14 of the pre-amended Ordinance continues to apply in relation to the contravention as if the amending Ordinance had not been enacted; and

(b) section 36A applies in relation to the contravention.

(4) In this section—

amending Ordinance (《修訂條例》) means the Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018 (11 of 2018);

commencement date (生效日期) means the date on which the amending Ordinance comes into operation;

permission (許可) means a written permission mentioned in section 14;

pre-amended Ordinance (《未經修訂條例》) means this Ordinance as in force immediately before the commencement date.

第 2部 第 12條

Part 2 Section 12

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》

2018年第 11號條例 A680

Ord. No. 11 of 2018 A681


[第 2及 38A條 ]

註冊水喉技工及註冊水喉技工 (臨時 )

第 1部


1. 就建造、安裝、保養、更改、修理或拆除消防供水系統 而言,根據《建造業工人註冊條例》(第 583章 )註冊為 下述技工的人——

(a) 屬水喉工工種分項的註冊熟練技工; (b) 屬地渠及喉管工 (全科 )工種分項的註冊熟練

技工; (c) 屬消防設備技工 (全科 )工種分項的註冊熟練

技工; (d) 屬消防機械裝配工工種分項的註冊熟練技工; (e) 屬水喉工工種分項的註冊半熟練技工;或 (f) 屬消防機械裝配工工種分項的註冊半熟練技工。


[ss. 2 & 38A]

Registered Plumbing Worker and Registered Plumbing Worker (Provisional)

Part 1

Registered Plumbing Worker

1. For the construction, installation, maintenance, alteration, repair or removal of a fire service, a person who is registered under the Construction Workers Registration Ordinance (Cap. 583) as—

(a) a registered skilled worker for the plumber trade division;

(b) a registered skilled worker for the drain and pipe layer (master) trade division;

(c) a registered skilled worker for the fire service mechanic (master) trade division;

(d) a registered skilled worker for the fire service mechanical fitter trade division;

(e) a registered semi-skilled worker for the plumber trade division; or

(f) a registered semi-skilled worker for the fire service mechanical fitter trade division.

第 2部 第 12條

Part 2 Section 12

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》

2018年第 11號條例 A682

Ord. No. 11 of 2018 A683

2. 就建造、安裝、保養、更改、修理或拆除內部供水系統 而言,根據《建造業工人註冊條例》(第 583章 )註冊為 下述技工的人——

(a) 屬水喉工工種分項的註冊熟練技工; (b) 屬地渠及喉管工 (全科 )工種分項的註冊熟練

技工;或 (c) 屬水喉工工種分項的註冊半熟練技工。

3. 就安裝水錶而言,根據《建造業工人註冊條例》(第 583章 ) 註冊為下述技工的人——

(a) 屬水喉工工種分項的註冊熟練技工; (b) 屬地渠及喉管工 (全科 )工種分項的註冊熟練

技工; (c) 屬消防設備技工 (全科 )工種分項的註冊熟練

技工; (d) 屬消防機械裝配工工種分項的註冊熟練技工; (e) 屬水喉工工種分項的註冊半熟練技工;或 (f) 屬消防機械裝配工工種分項的註冊半熟練技工。

2. For the construction, installation, maintenance, alteration, repair or removal of an inside service, a person who is registered under the Construction Workers Registration Ordinance (Cap. 583) as—

(a) a registered skilled worker for the plumber trade division;

(b) a registered skilled worker for the drain and pipe layer (master) trade division; or

(c) a registered semi-skilled worker for the plumber trade division.

3. For the installation of a meter, a person who is registered under the Construction Workers Registration Ordinance (Cap. 583) as—

(a) a registered skilled worker for the plumber trade division;

(b) a registered skilled worker for the drain and pipe layer (master) trade division;

(c) a registered skilled worker for the fire service mechanic (master) trade division;

(d) a registered skilled worker for the fire service mechanical fitter trade division;

(e) a registered semi-skilled worker for the plumber trade division; or

(f) a registered semi-skilled worker for the fire service mechanical fitter trade division.

第 2部 第 12條

Part 2 Section 12

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》

2018年第 11號條例 A684

Ord. No. 11 of 2018 A685

第 2部

註冊水喉技工 (臨時 )

1. 就建造、安裝、保養、更改、修理或拆除消防供水系統 而言,根據《建造業工人註冊條例》(第 583章 )註冊為 下述技工的人——

(a) 屬水喉工工種分項的註冊熟練技工 (臨時 ); (b) 屬地渠及喉管工 (全科 )工種分項的註冊熟練

技工 (臨時 ); (c) 屬消防機械裝配工工種分項的註冊熟練技工 (臨

時 ); (d) 屬水喉工工種分項的註冊半熟練技工 (臨時 );

或 (e) 屬消防機械裝配工工種分項的註冊半熟練技工

(臨時 )。

2. 就建造、安裝、保養、更改、修理或拆除內部供水系統 而言,根據《建造業工人註冊條例》(第 583章 )註冊為 下述技工的人——

(a) 屬水喉工工種分項的註冊熟練技工 (臨時 ); (b) 屬地渠及喉管工 (全科 )工種分項的註冊熟練

技工 (臨時 );或 (c) 屬水喉工工種分項的註冊半熟練技工 (臨時 )。

Part 2

Registered Plumbing Worker (Provisional)

1. For the construction, installation, maintenance, alteration, repair or removal of a fire service, a person who is registered under the Construction Workers Registration Ordinance (Cap. 583) as—

(a) a registered skilled worker (provisional) for the plumber trade division;

(b) a registered skilled worker (provisional) for the drain and pipe layer (master) trade division;

(c) a registered skilled worker (provisional) for the fire service mechanical fitter trade division;

(d) a registered semi-skilled worker (provisional) for the plumber trade division; or

(e) a registered semi-skilled worker (provisional) for the fire service mechanical fitter trade division.

2. For the construction, installation, maintenance, alteration, repair or removal of an inside service, a person who is registered under the Construction Workers Registration Ordinance (Cap. 583) as—

(a) a registered skilled worker (provisional) for the plumber trade division;

(b) a registered skilled worker (provisional) for the drain and pipe layer (master) trade division; or

(c) a registered semi-skilled worker (provisional) for the plumber trade division.

第 2部 第 13條

Part 2 Section 13

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》

2018年第 11號條例 A686

Ord. No. 11 of 2018 A687

3. 就安裝水錶而言,根據《建造業工人註冊條例》(第 583章 ) 註冊為下述技工的人——

(a) 屬水喉工工種分項的註冊熟練技工 (臨時 ); (b) 屬地渠及喉管工 (全科 )工種分項的註冊熟練

技工 (臨時 ); (c) 屬消防機械裝配工工種分項的註冊熟練技工 (臨

時 ); (d) 屬水喉工工種分項的註冊半熟練技工 (臨時 );

或 (e) 屬消防機械裝配工工種分項的註冊半熟練技工

(臨時 )。”。

13. 以“拆除”取代 “移動”

以下條文,中文文本—— (a) 第 2條,持牌水喉匠的定義; (b) 第 4(2)條; (c) 第 9(c)條; (d) 第 12(1)(e)條; (e) 第 17(1)及 (2)條; (f) 第 37(1)(b)及 (e)條——

廢除 所有 “移動”

代以 “拆除”。

3. For the installation of a meter, a person who is registered under the Construction Workers Registration Ordinance (Cap. 583) as—

(a) a registered skilled worker (provisional) for the plumber trade division;

(b) a registered skilled worker (provisional) for the drain and pipe layer (master) trade division;

(c) a registered skilled worker (provisional) for the fire service mechanical fitter trade division;

(d) a registered semi-skilled worker (provisional) for the plumber trade division; or

(e) a registered semi-skilled worker (provisional) for the fire service mechanical fitter trade division.”.

13. “拆除” substituted for “移動”

The following provisions, Chinese text—

(a) Section 2, definition of 持牌水喉匠 ;

(b) Section 4(2);

(c) Section 9(c);

(d) Section 12(1)(e);

(e) Section 17(1) and (2);

(f) Section 37(1)(b) and (e)—


“移動” (wherever appearing)



第 3部 第 14條

Part 3 Section 14

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》

2018年第 11號條例 A688

Ord. No. 11 of 2018 A689

第 3部


14. 修訂第 6條 (工程的檢查及批准 )

(1) 第 6(1)條—— 廢除在 (a)段之前的所有字句 代以

“(1) 凡水務監督應某持牌水喉匠的申請,根據本條例第 14(2A)條,給予書面許可,而某消防供水系統或內 部供水系統的建造或安裝,是根據該許可進行的, 則該水喉匠須就以下事項,向水務監督提出符合指 明格式的申請——”。

(2) 第 6條—— 廢除第 (2)款 代以

“(2) 凡水務監督應某持牌水喉匠的申請,根據本條例第 14(2A)條,給予書面許可,而某消防供水系統或內 部供水系統的更改,是根據該許可進行的,則該水 喉匠須就檢查與批准該項更改,向水務監督提出符 合指明格式的申請。”。

(3) 第 6(2)條,英文文本—— 廢除 “alterations.”

代以 “alteration.”。

Part 3

Amendments to Waterworks Regulations

14. Regulation 6 amended (inspection and approval of works)

(1) Regulation 6(1)—


“A person who constructs or installs a fire service or inside service shall”


“If the construction or installation of a fire service or inside service is carried out with a written permission granted under section 14(2A) of the Ordinance on an application of a licensed plumber, the plumber must”.

(2) Regulation 6(2)—


“A person who makes any alterations to a fire service or inside service shall”


“If the alteration to a fire service or inside service is carried out with a written permission granted under section 14(2A) of the Ordinance on an application of a licensed plumber, the plumber must”.

(3) Regulation 6(2), English text—





第 3部 第 15條

Part 3 Section 15

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》

2018年第 11號條例 A690

Ord. No. 11 of 2018 A691

(4) 第 6(5)條,英文文本—— 廢除 “he shall”

代以 “, the Water Authority must”。

15. 修訂第 26條 (水錶的安裝 )

第 26(2A)(b)條—— 廢除 在“提供水錶”之後的所有字句 代以

“,並准許由任何下述人士,按水務監督指明的方 式,安裝該水錶——

(i) 持牌水喉匠; (ii) 註冊水喉技工; (iii) 註冊水喉技工 (臨時 )。”。

16. 加入第 51A條 在第 51條之後——


51A. 檢控時限 (1) 凡水務監督於某日發現或知悉違反本規例的情況,

就該違例事項而提出的檢控,可於在該日翌日開始 的 6個月內提出。

(4) Regulation 6(5), English text—


“he shall”


“, the Water Authority must”.

15. Regulation 26 amended (installation of meters)

Regulation 26(2A)(b)—


everything after “by”


“any of the following persons in the manner specified by the Water Authority—

(i) a licensed plumber;

(ii) a registered plumbing worker;

(iii) a registered plumbing worker (provisional).”.

16. Regulation 51A added

After regulation 51—


51A. Time limit for prosecutions

(1) A prosecution for a contravention of these regulations may be commenced within 6 months beginning on the date immediately after the date on which the contravention is discovered by, or comes to the notice of, the Water Authority.

第 3部 第 17條

Part 3 Section 17

Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》

2018年第 11號條例 A692

Ord. No. 11 of 2018 A693

(2) 本條不適用於在《2018年水務設施 (修訂 )條例》(2018 年第 11號 )實施日期前發生的違例事項。”。

17. 以“拆除”取代“移動”

以下條文,中文文本—— (a) 第 3(1)條; (b) 第 5(1)條; (c) 第 35(1)及 (2)條; (d) 第 37(1)(b)條——

廢除 所有“移動”

代以 “拆除”。

(2) This regulation does not apply in relation to a contravention committed before the date on which the Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018 (11 of 2018) comes into operation.”.

17. “拆除” substituted for “移動”

The following provisions, Chinese text—

(a) Regulation 3(1);

(b) Regulation 5(1);

(c) Regulation 35(1) and (2);

(d) Regulation 37(1)(b)—


“移動” (wherever appearing)

