Public hearing program, 1 June 2023
Legal Affairs and Safety Committee
01 Jun 2023

Legal Affairs and Safety Committee

Public Hearing Program

Oversight of the Queensland Family and Child Commission

Thursday, 1 June 2023 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Parliamentary Annexe, Brisbane Undumbi Room, Level 5

Via teleconference and videoconference (if needed)

Time Witness

12:00pm – 12:05pm Open

12:05pm – 1:00pm Queensland Family and Child Commission

• Mr Luke Twyford, Principal Commissioner • Ms Natalie Lewis, Commissioner • Ms Jaime Blackburn, Executive Director, Government

Relations and Corporate Services • Ms Penny Creamer, Executive Director, First Nations

and Child Rights Advocacy

1:00pm Close

Public Hearing:

This hearing will be broadcast live on Parliament TV, and available for viewing afterwards from the Committee’s Parliament.TV Archive. A transcript of the proceedings will also be published in due course.

Those present for the proceedings are advised that they may be in photos taken by Parliamentary Service staff for purposes including posting on the Parliament’s website or social media sites. The Queensland Parliamentary Service is committed to protecting the images collected for this purpose in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009.