Square Kilometre Array Observatory (South Africa)
Square Kilometre Array Observatory (South Africa)

The SKAO is one observatory, operating two telescopes on two continents (Australia and South Africa), with headquarters in the United Kingdom. The initial phase (Phase 1) will consist of 197 radio dishes located in South Africa and 131,000 antennas located in Australia.

In South Africa, the SKAO site is located in the Karoo near Carnarvon, in the Northern Cape province. The South African MeerKAT radio telescope is already located there.  It is a precursor to the SKAO in South Africa and will be integrated into Phase 1.

The SKAO is designed to deliver transformational science for at least 50 years. The aim is to build and operate a sustainable observatory, and work to minimize any likely adverse environmental effects from the construction and operation of the telescopes over its lifetime.