Consultation on proposed specifications and test procedures for the approval of Level 1 and Level 2 electric vehicle charging devices
Consultation on proposed specifications and test procedures for the approval of Level 1 and Level 2 electric vehicle charging devices

Current status: Closed

This consultation was closed on .


We are looking for input on proposed specifications for the approval of Level 1 and Level 2 alternating current (AC) electric vehicle (EV) charging devices that will be used to charge customers based on the amount of electricity (i.e. by kilowatt hour or kWh) consumed during an EV charge. Comments provided will be used to finalize the requirements manufacturers must meet when submitting their EV charging devices to Measurement Canada's laboratories for approval of type evaluation.

In addition to the proposed specifications, we are seeking input on proposed test procedures related to the approval of type specifications. These proposed procedures describe minimum tests that are performed in relation to the technical requirements presented in the proposed specifications.

EV charging device requirements being developed are performance based and aligned with best practices recognized by the international community for EV charging by the kWh and informed by global research into advances and innovations in EV charging technologies. The use of an agile, flexible approach will allow the requirements to evolve aligned with continuing advances in EV charging technologies.

Providing feedback

Comments on the proposed specifications and proposed test procedures must be sent to

This consultation will close on September 20, 2022.

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding this consultation, please contact us at:

Consultation considerations

The proposed specifications apply to Level 1 and Level 2 AC EV charging devices used for the purpose of delivering or receiving electricity and providing a measurement of that electricity in kWh. They apply only to EV charging devices used for single transactions where a measured amount of electricity is delivered to an EV and an associated price is applied for the quantity of electricity delivered.

The proposed specifications do not apply to devices used primarily for the purpose of charging electric vehicles in a residential setting, such as:

  • apartments, townhouses or single family homes; and
  • multi-residential complexes like apartments or condominiums.

These applications will be addressed in future updates to the specifications.

The proposed specifications are applicable to newly designed charging devices that are not currently in use in Canada. We recently consulted on proposed options for the continued use and oversight of Level 1 and Level 2 EV charging devices already deployed in the Canadian marketplace. Existing devices may however be presented for approval if manufacturers choose to do so.

Comments should consider the following points:

  • The scope of the proposed specifications and proposed test procedures
  • Concerns about a specific requirement or requirements.
  • Possible solutions or alternatives.

Note: Updates to these requirements to include requirements for direct current (DC) charging devices are being developed and will be available for comment as soon as they are ready. This consultation exercise should avoid commentary on DC charging devices.

Supplementary information

In accordance with the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act (EGIA), Measurement Canada ensures accurate measurement of electricity sold on the basis of a measured quantity of energy (e.g. the kilowatt-hour or kWh). Devices used to bill customers based on the amount of energy consumed must meet accuracy and performance standards to ensure consumers and businesses are accurately charged for the amount of electricity consumed. Ensuring compliance with the Act and regulations includes our evaluating and approving devices before they are permitted to be used in Canada and inspecting and certifying these devices when they are used in the marketplace.

Currently there are no requirements to allow the use of EV charging devices, also know as EV chargers, in applications where billing is based on the amount of electricity delivered to an EV during a charge. EV charging operators currently establish a bill for a charge based on the time the EV is connected to a charger or in some instances, charging is provided without a fee. As EV charging technologies advance, there is increasing evidence that charging customers based on the amount of electricity consumed (kilowatt hour or kWh) is a more equitable approach.

The proposed requirements include input received during working group meetings with EV charging device manufacturers and EV charging owners and operators. We also participated in international standards development work led by Organisation Internationale de Métrologie Légale (OIML) and the proposed specifications are aligned with this development work.

As a member state of OIML, we are committed to aligning Canadian requirements with those of the international community where possible. The OIML standards development work is ongoing and expected to continue for the foreseeable future. In order to ensure timely introduction of EV charging device requirements for the Canadian marketplace, we have decided to proceed with interim requirements that will allow the introduction of Level 1 and Level 2 alternating current (AC) EV chargers used in public transaction applications.