e-5038 Environment
Rob Morrison
National, provincial and territorial par ...,Wildlife conservation
November 6, 2024, at 2:23 p.m. (EDT)
Petition to the Government of Canada
    Nakoda, the rare and sacred white grizzly bear, and her cubs were killed by vehicle collisions on the highway in Yoho National Park; and
    Fourteen black and grizzly bears have been killed so far this year by motor vehicles or trains in the Yoho, Kootenay, and Lake Louise National Park regions, with over 60 being killed in the same way in the last five years.
    We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to, for the protection of wildlife in our national parks, please:
    1. Reduce the speed limit for sections of the highway not bound by wildlife fencing in Yoho National Park, with further reductions from dawn to dusk;
    2. Extend the wildlife fencing throughout Yoho National Park and construct appropriate wildlife crossings;
    3. Assess all highways not bound by wildlife fencing in national parks and reduce speed limits in areas with frequent wildlife collisions and implement sufficient speed enforcement to greatly reduce speeding;
    4. Prevent the spilling of grain on train tracks throughout national parks;
    5. Fund and support wildlife rehabilitation centres to transport, treat, rehabilitate, and release injured or orphaned black and grizzly bear cubs, as well as other wildlife that originated in national parks;
    6. Implement a recovery program for any national park region where grizzly or black bear populations are declining;
    7. Distribute Parks Canada rules with all entry passes and increase rule enforcement; and
    8. Install signage throughout fenced sections in national parks, indicating how to report wildlife on the road.