Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 158, Number 35: COMMISSIONS
August 31, 2024

Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 158, Number 35: COMMISSIONS

August 31, 2024



ALLETE, Inc. d/b/a Minnesota Power

By an application dated August 22, 2024, ALLETE, Inc. d/b/a Minnesota Power (the Applicant) has applied to the Canada Energy Regulator (the CER) under Division 2 of Part 7 of the Canadian Energy Regulator Act (the Act) for authorization to export up to 1 200 000 MWh of combined firm and interruptible energy annually, for a period of 10 years.

The Commission of the Canada Energy Regulator (the Commission) wishes to obtain the views of interested parties on this application before issuing a permit or recommending to the Governor in Council that the application be designated for a licensing procedure. The Directions on Procedure that follow explain in detail the procedure that will be used.

  1. The Applicant shall provide a copy of the application by email to any person who requests one by emailing The application is also publicly available on the CER’s website.
  2. Written submissions that any interested party wishes to present shall be filed online with the CER in care of the Secretary of the Commission, and emailed to the Applicant, by September 30, 2024.
  3. Pursuant to subsection 359(2) of the Act, the Commission is interested in the views of submitters with respect to
    • (a) the effect of the exportation of the electricity on provinces other than that from which the electricity is to be exported; and
    • (b) whether the Applicant has
      • (i) informed those who have declared an interest in buying electricity for consumption in Canada of the quantities and classes of service available for sale, and
      • (ii) given an opportunity to buy electricity on conditions as favourable as the conditions specified in the application to those who, within a reasonable time after being so informed, demonstrate an intention to buy electricity for consumption in Canada.
  4. Any answer to submissions that the Applicant wishes to present, in response to items 2 and 3 of this Notice of Application and Directions on Procedure, shall be filed with the CER in care of the Secretary of the Commission and emailed to the party that filed the submission by October 15, 2024.
  5. For further information on the procedures governing the Commission’s examination, contact the Secretary of the Commission at 403‑292‑4800 (telephone).

The Canada Energy Regulator is dedicated to the safety and well-being of its staff, Indigenous communities, the public, and all those with whom it works closely. For information on how the CER is continuing its regulatory oversight during the COVID-19 pandemic, please refer to the CER’s COVID-19 updates page.

The CER’s preferred filing method is online through its e-filing tool, which provides step-by-step instructions. If you are unable to file documents online, you may send them by email to

Ramona Sladic
Secretary of the Commission of the Canada Energy Regulator



Notice No. HA-2024-009

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal will hold a public hearing to consider the appeals referenced below. This hearing will be held beginning at 9:30 a.m., in the Tribunal’s Hearing Room No. 2, 18th Floor, 333 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario. Interested persons planning to attend should contact the Tribunal at 613‑993‑3595 or at to obtain further information and to confirm that the hearing will be held as scheduled.

Customs Act
Canac Marquis Grenier Ltée and Canac Immobilier Inc. v. President of the Canada Border Services Agency
Date of Hearing October 3, 2024
Appeals Nos. AP-2022-031 and AP-2022-032
Goods in Issue Various models of outdoor tables and chairs
Issue Whether the goods in issue are properly classified under tariff items 9401.71.10 as other seats, with metal frames, upholstered, for domestic purposes, 9401.79.10 as other seats, with metal frames, for domestic purposes and 9403.89.19 as other furniture of other materials, other than bamboo or rattan, for domestic purposes, as determined by the President of the Canada Border Services Agency, or should be classified under tariff items 9401.79.90 as other seats with metal frames, other than upholstered, other than for domestic purposes, and 9403.89.90 as other furniture of other materials, other than bamboo or rattan, other than for domestic purposes, as claimed by Canac Marquis Grenier Ltée and Canac Immobilier Inc.
Tariff Items at Issue

Canac Marquis Grenier Ltée and Canac Immobilier Inc.—9401.79.90 and 9403.89.90

President of the Canada Border Services Agency—9401.71.10, 9401.79.10 and 9403.89.19



Environmental services

Notice is given that, after completing its inquiry, the Canadian International Trade Tribunal made a determination (file PR-2024-013) on August 19, 2024, with respect to a complaint filed by Weatherlogics Inc. (Weatherlogics), of Lorette West, Manitoba, pursuant to subsection 30.11(1) of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act, concerning a procurement (solicitation 5000073434) by the Department of the Environment (ECCC). The solicitation was for the update of Canadian precipitation datasets.

Weatherlogics alleged that ECCC unfairly and inaccurately re-evaluated its bid, further to the Tribunal’s determination dated February 7, 2024, arising from a previous complaint (PR-2023-039) pertaining to the same solicitation.

Having examined the evidence presented by the parties and considered the provisions of the applicable trade agreement, the Tribunal determined that the complaint was valid.

Further information may be obtained from the Registry, 613‑993‑3595 (telephone), (email).

Ottawa, August 19, 2024



Sucker rods

Notice is given that on August 21, 2024, pursuant to paragraph 76.03(12)(b) of the Special Import Measures Act, the Canadian International Trade Tribunal continued its finding (expiry review RR-2023-005) made on December 14, 2018, in inquiry NQ-2018-001, concerning the dumping and subsidizing of sucker rods, originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China. The full description of the aforementioned goods can be found in the Tribunal’s order.

Ottawa, August 21, 2024



The Commission posts on its website original, detailed decisions, notices of consultation, regulatory policies, information bulletins and orders as they come into force. In accordance with Part 1 of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure, these documents may be examined at the Commission’s office, as can be documents relating to a proceeding, including the notices and applications, which are posted on the Commission’s website, under “Public proceedings & hearings.”

The following documents are abridged versions of the Commission’s original documents.


Applicant’s name Undertaking City Province Date of decision
Access Communications Co-operative Limited CJTR-FM Regina Saskatchewan July 9, 2024
Bertor Communications Ltd. CFAQ-FM Blucher Saskatchewan July 19, 2024
Decision number Publication date Applicant’s name Undertaking City Province
2024-187 August 22, 2024 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation CBYG-FM Prince George
and Mackenzie
British Columbia



Description of critical habitat of Redside Dace in Rouge National Urban Park of Canada

The Redside Dace (Clinostomus elongatus) is a small insectivorous fish that develops a bright red stripe along the front half of its body below a vivid yellow stripe during spawning and is listed on Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act. In Canada, the Redside Dace is limited to slow-moving sections of rivers and streams in southern Ontario and the Two Tree River on St. Joseph Island.

The Recovery Strategy and Action Plan for Redside Dace (Clinostomus elongatus) in Canada identifies critical habitat for the species in a number of areas, including within Rouge National Urban Park of Canada.

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to subsection 58(3) of the Species at Risk Act, that 90 days after the date of publication of this notice, subsection 58(1) of the Act will apply to the critical habitat of the Redside Dace (Clinostomus elongatus), identified in the recovery strategy and action plan for the species that is included in the Species at Risk Public Registry, and that is located within Rouge National Urban Park of Canada, the boundaries of which are described in the Rouge National Urban Park Act.

Lindsay Rodger
Acting Field Unit Superintendent
Rouge National Urban Park Field Unit