Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 158, Number 35: GOVERNMENT NOTICES
August 31, 2024

Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 158, Number 35: GOVERNMENT NOTICES

August 31, 2024



Amendment to the Maa-nulth First Nations Final Agreement — Addition to Maa-nulth First Nation Lands of Toquaht Nation (Appendix B)

Pursuant to 2.10.25 of the Maa-nulth First Nations Final Agreement (the “Final Agreement”), the following parcels of land, collectively referred to as the “Island Timberlands,” became the Maa-nulth First Nation Lands of Toquaht Nation on September 14, 2021:

  • PID: 000-913-871 Section 36, Clayoquot District, except Part in Plan VIP75649
  • PID: 009-389-873 Section 38, Clayoquot District, except Part in Plan VIP75650
  • PID: 008-947-147 Section 40, Clayoquot District
  • PID: 008-947-163 Section 41, Clayoquot District, except Part in Plan VIP84395
  • PID: 008-947-201 Section 90, Alberni District (situated in Clayoquot District), except Part in Plan VIP75648

Appendix B-3, Part 2, Additional Lands Index and Appendix B-3, Part 2(a) Plans 4, 7 and 9 of the Final Agreement, are therefore deemed to be amended, as set out in the attached appendices, to reflect the addition of the Island Timberlands to the Maa-nulth First Nation Lands of Toquaht Nation.

Unless otherwise defined, capitalized terms used herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Final Agreement.

Appendix B-3, Part 2

Figure 1: Additional Lands Index

Figure 1: Additional Lands Index – Text version below the image

Figure 1: Additional Lands Index - Text version

The Additional Lands Index map of Appendix B-3, Part 2 of the Maa-nulth First Nations Final Agreement depicts various areas within Maa-nulth First Nation Lands of Toquaht Nation, located in British Columbia to the northeast of the municipality of Ucluelet and on the west side of Toquaht Bay and Macoah Passage. This map illustrates five additions to the Maa-nulth First Nation Lands of Toquaht Nation after the effective date of the Maa-nulth First Nations Final Agreement.

The Additional Lands Index includes Plans 1 to 11. The Additional Lands Index map has red boxes around each plan area, and each plan has an associated map which is depicted in greater detail. Plan 1 is in the bottom left corner of the map to the east of Ucluelet. Plan 2 is located in the top left of the map to the east of Kennedy Lake and Kennedy Lake Park, which is a provincial protected area, and to the north of Maggie Lake. Plan 3 is to the east of Plan 2 and includes the bottom of Toquaht River and the top of Toquaht Bay. Plan 4 is south of Plan 3 and includes Toquaht Bay and the northern Stopper Island. Plan 5 is east of Plan 3. Plan 6 is south of Plan 5, north of Mayne Bay, and east of Plan 4. Plan 7 is to the west of Plan 4 and to the east of Maggie Lake. Plan 8 is southeast from Plan 7 and south of Plan 4, and includes the southern Stopper Island and St. Innes Island. Plan 9 is southwest of Plan 8 and includes part of Macoah Passage. Plan 10 is to the east of Plan 9. Plan 11 is south of Plan 9. Plan 10 and Plan 11 are both west of the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve depicted in the bottom right corner of the map. Pacific Rim National Park is a federal protected area. All plans include some parcels of Additional Lands, which are depicted in yellow with a brown border. Plan 1, Plan 3, Plan 4, Plan 7, and Plan 9 also include areas of Former Indian Reserves of Toquaht Nation which are depicted in grey with a purple border.

The map of the Additional Lands Index includes a legend that lists the following: Additional Lands, Former Indian Reserves of Toquaht Nation, Excluded Crown Corridors, Provincial Protected Area, Federal Protected Area, Municipality, Water Body, Watercourse and Highway. The Additional Lands Index also shows the highway to Ucluelet, the municipality of Ucluelet and the federally protected areas of Pacific Rim National Park Reserve.

This map and its detailed descriptions are not to be used for defining Maa-nulth First Nation Lands boundaries or for their legal descriptions. Depictions of Maa-nulth First Nation Lands on this map and its detailed descriptions are to be used for illustrative purposes only.

Appendix B-3, Part 2(a)

Figure 2: Toquaht Bay Plan 4

Figure 2: Toquaht Bay Plan 4 – Text version below the image

Figure 2: Toquaht Bay Plan 4 - Text version

The map of Plan 4 of Appendix B-3 Part 2(a) of the Maa-nulth First Nations Final Agreement depicts various areas within Maa-nulth First Nation Lands of Toquaht Nation, located in British Columbia to the northeast of the municipality of Ucluelet and on the west side of Toquaht Bay and Macoah Passage. Plan 4 reflects Toquaht Bay areas north of the Macoah Passage, Stopper Islands, and David Channel. The map includes subject lands to the left of Toquaht Bay including District Lot 2221 and District Lot 2220 in the top left border of the map, and District Lot 2218 on the left border of the map. The Macoah Former Indian Reserve 1 is in the bottom left corner of the map. Areas of Toquaht Bay, District Lot 2219, District Lot 2220, District Lot 2221, and Excluded Crown Corridors are further depicted in a box called Inset 1 in the top right-hand corner of the map. Part of Stopper Islands is at the bottom middle of the map and Shears Islands, which includes subject lands, is at the bottom right of the map.

Plan 4 of Part 2(a) of Appendix B-3 includes land parcel PID 009-389-873 within section 38 Clayoquot District except part in Plan VIP75650, which is an addition to the Maa-nulth First Nation Lands of Toquaht Nation after the effective date. This parcel is surrounded in the north by provincial crown land. Macoah Passage is to the east of this land parcel, and its southern border is shared with former Macoah Indian Reserve 1. The western border is not included on Plan 4.

The map of Plan 4 includes a legend that lists the following: Subject Lands, Former Indian Reserve, Excluded Crown Corridors, UTM Coordinate, Primary Survey Parcel, Subdivision Parcel, Provincial Protected Area, Federal Protected Area, Municipality, Road (Paved), Road (Gravel), Electrical Transmission Line, Pipeline, Water Body and Watercourse.

This map and its detailed descriptions are not to be used for defining Maa-nulth First Nation Lands boundaries or for their legal descriptions. Depictions of Maa-nulth First Nation Lands on this map and its detailed descriptions are to be used for illustrative purposes only.

Figure 3: Macoah Plan 7

Figure 3: Macoah Plan 7 – Text version below the image

Figure 3: Macoah Plan 7 - Text version

The map of Plan 7 of Appendix B-3 Part 2(a) of the Maa-nulth First Nations Final Agreement depicts various areas within Maa-nulth First Nation Lands of Toquaht Nation, located in British Columbia to the northeast of the municipality of Ucluelet and on the west side of Toquaht Bay and Macoah Passage. Macoah Passage of Toquaht Bay is located in the bottom right of the map and Maggie Lake is located in the upper left of the map.

Plan 7 of Part 2(a) of Appendix B-3 includes four of the land additions after the effective date.

It includes parcel 008-947-147 within Section 40 Clayoquot District which is surrounded in the north by the parcel of land identified as Section 39 Clayoquot District. Parcel 008-947-147 is surrounded on the east by Macoah Indian Reserve 1 and its southern border aligns with Macoah Passage. The western border is shared with a land parcel 008-947-201 Section 90 within Alberni District Expect Part in Plan VIP75648.

This parcel, 008-947-201 Section 90, Alberni District Expect Part in Plan VIP75648, is now part of the Maa-nulth First Nation Lands of Toquaht Nation. On the east it borders Section 40 Clayoquot District. Its southern border is shared with former Chequis Indian Reserve 3.

Parcel PID 000-913-871 within section 36 Clayoquot District except part in Plan VIP75649 is surrounded in the north by a gravel road, and on the east is VIP75649. On the south is section 41 Clayoquot District. Its western border is shared with Maggie Lake.

Additionally, Plan 4 includes land parcel PID 009-389-873 within section 38 Clayoquot District except part in Plan VIP75650, which is an addition to the Maa-nulth First Nation Lands of Toquaht Nation after the effective date. This parcel is surrounded in the north by provincial crown land, surrounded on the west by section 37 Clayoquot District, and its southern border is shared with former Macoah Indian Reserve 1. The eastern border is not shown on Plan 7.

The map of Plan 7 includes a legend that lists the following: Subject Lands, Former Indian Reserve, Excluded Crown Corridors, UTM Coordinate, Primary Survey Parcel, Subdivision Parcel, Provincial Protected Area, Federal Protected Area, Municipality, Road (Paved), Road (Gravel), Electrical Transmission Line, Pipeline, Water Body and Watercourse.

This map and its detailed descriptions are not to be used for defining Maa-nulth First Nation Lands boundaries or for their legal descriptions. Depictions of Maa-nulth First Nation Lands on this map and its detailed descriptions are to be used for illustrative purposes only.

Figure 4: Chenatha Plan 9

Figure 4: Chenatha Plan 9 – Text version below the image

Figure 4: Chenatha Plan 9 - Text version

The map of Plan 9 of Appendix B-3 Part 2(a) of the Maa-nulth First Nations Final Agreement depicts various areas within Maa-nulth First Nation Lands of Toquaht Nation, located in British Columbia to the northeast of the municipality of Ucluelet and on the west side of Toquaht Bay and Macoah Passage. The bottom right diagonal half of the map is the water body of Toquaht Bay and Macoah Passage, and the top left diagonal half of the map includes land parcels, with many lands on the border including subject lands, and with Chequis Former Indian Reserve 3 in the upper right corner of the map and the Chenatha Former Indian Reserve 4 in the lower left corner of the map.

Plan 9 of Part 2(a) of Appendix B-3 includes land bordered on the east by the Former Chequis Indian Reserve 3 and surrounded on the west by provincial Crown Land. The north and south borders are shared with Subject Lands.

Parcel PID 008-947-163 within section 41 Clayoquot District except part in Plan VIP84395 is surrounded in the north by section 36 Clayoquot District, surrounded on the east by Toquaht Bay/Macoah Passage and its southern border is shared with District Lot 2223.

The map of Plan 9 includes a legend that lists the following: Subject Lands, Former Indian Reserve, Excluded Crown Corridors, UTM Coordinate, Primary Survey Parcel, Subdivision Parcel, Provincial Protected Area, Federal Protected Area, Municipality, Road (Paved), Road (Gravel), Electrical Transmission Line, Pipeline, Water Body and Watercourse.

This map and its detailed descriptions are not to be used for defining Maa-nulth First Nation Lands boundaries or for their legal descriptions. Depictions of Maa-nulth First Nation Lands on this map and its detailed descriptions are to be used for illustrative purposes only.


Appointment opportunities

We know that our country is stronger — and our government more effective — when decision-makers reflect Canada’s diversity. The Government of Canada has implemented an appointment process that is transparent and merit-based, strives for gender parity, and ensures that Indigenous peoples and minority groups are properly represented in positions of leadership. We continue to search for Canadians who reflect the values that we all embrace: inclusion, honesty, fiscal prudence, and generosity of spirit. Together, we will build a government as diverse as Canada.

We are equally committed to providing a healthy workplace that supports one’s dignity, self-esteem and the ability to work to one’s full potential. With this in mind, all appointees will be expected to take steps to promote and maintain a healthy, respectful and harassment-free work environment.

The Government of Canada is currently seeking applications from diverse and talented Canadians from across the country who are interested in the following positions.

Current opportunities

The following opportunities for appointments to Governor in Council positions are currently open for applications. Every opportunity is open for a minimum of two weeks from the date of posting on the Governor in Council appointments website.

Governor in Council appointment opportunities
Position Organization Closing date
Director Bank of Canada  
Chairperson Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation  
Chairperson Canada Infrastructure Bank  
Director Canada Lands Company Limited  
Director Canadian Air Transport Security Authority  
Director Canadian Commercial Corporation  
Director Canadian Energy Regulator  
President Canadian Institutes of Health Research  
Director Canadian Race Relations Foundation  
Director Canadian Tourism Commission  
Chairperson Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police  
Vice-Chairperson Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police  
Member Copyright Board  
Director Defence Construction (1951) Limited  
Executive Head Employment Insurance Board of Appeal  
Member Employment Insurance Board of Appeal October 24, 2024
Regional Coordinator Employment Insurance Board of Appeal September 19, 2024
President Export Development Canada  
Vice-Chairperson Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board  
Commissioner Financial Consumer Agency of Canada  
Commissioner First Nations Tax Commission  
Director (Federal) Halifax Port Authority  
Member Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada  
Deputy Chairperson and Member, Refugee Appeal Division Immigration and Refugee Board  
Chairperson Laurentian Pilotage Authority  
Chairperson National Advisory Council on Poverty  
Member (Children’s Issues) National Advisory Council on Poverty  
Member National Arts Centre Corporation  
Chairperson National Seniors Council  
Member National Seniors Council  
Member Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council  
Member Net-Zero Advisory Body  
Canadian Representative North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization  
Commissioner of Official Languages Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages for Canada  
Senate Ethics Officer Office of the Senate Ethics Officer  
Administrator Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund and Fund for Railway Accidents Involving Designated Goods  
Chief Statistician Statistics Canada  
Co-chair Sustainable Jobs Partnership Council  
Member Sustainable Jobs Partnership Council  
Chairperson VIA Rail Canada Inc.