Education Act
August 30, 2024
For information only: Made by the Minister of Education (M.O. 13/2024) on August 30, 2024 pursuant to section 56 of the Education Act. 1 The Student Record Regulation (AR 97/2019) is amended by this Regulation. 2 Section 7(1) is amended by striking out "only". 3 The following is added after section 9: Disclosure of student records in the Minister's control 9.1(1) Where a student record has been transferred to the Minister under section 9(b), the Minister may disclose the contents of the student record (a) to a person entitled to review a student record under section 56(3) of the Act, (b) to an employee of the Crown employed in the Minister's department if the contents of the student record are necessary for the performance of the employee's duties, (c) to a person appointed to conduct an investigation under section 70 of the Act, (d) with the written consent of (i) the parent in the case of a child or a student who is under 16 years of age, or (ii) the student or the parent in the case of a student who is 16 years of age or older, (e) in accordance with any other regulations under the Act, or (f) in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. (2) A person entitled to review a student record under subsection (1)(a) may submit a request for a copy of the student record, along with any associated fee, to the Minister, and the Minister shall provide a copy of the student record to the person. (3) Where a student record has been transferred to the Minister under section 9(b), (a) if a student or child transfers from a school in Alberta to another school in Alberta, (i) the Minister may disclose the student record for the student or child containing the information referred to in section 2(1) and (4) to the board or the early childhood services program private operator to which the student or child transfers, and (ii) the board or the early childhood services program private operator to which the student or child transfers may collect the student record for the student or child containing the information referred to in section 2(1) and (4), (b) if the student record for a student or child who transfers from a school in Alberta to another school in Alberta is not in electronic form, the Minister must, on receipt of a written request from the school to which the student or child transfers, send the original student record for the student or child containing the information referred to in section 2(1) and (4) to that school, and (c) if a student or child transfers to a school outside Alberta, the Minister must, on receipt of a written request from the school to which the student or child transfers, send a copy of the student record for the student or child containing the information referred to in section 2(1) and (4) to that school. (4) The Minister must disclose information contained in a student record to the Department of Justice or its designate when requested by the Department or its designate for the purpose of administering the Youth Justice Act or the Youth Criminal Justice Act (Canada) or carrying out any program or policy under either of those Acts. Updating of student records in the Minister's control 9.2 The Minister may update student records in the Minister's control to (a) contain all the information that must be contained in a student record under section 2, and (b) remove any information that must not be included in a student record under section 3(1). 4 Section 12 is amended by striking out "August 31, 2024" and substituting "August 31, 2028".